Lake Threats
The Skiff Lake Cottage Owners Association Inc. Healthy Lake Committee considers the following to be of major concerns and threats.
Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) -- Human Health and lake ecosystem (Watershed and direct flow). We need to keep in mind that not all are harmful however one needs to know how to identify the good from the bad and causes.
Aquatic Invasive Species (Eurasian Water Milfoil) -- Property Values and hinderance to recreatinal activities and the fish population.
Blue - Green Algae
What causes cyanobacteria to form?
Cyanobacteria blooms form when cyanobacteria, which are normally found in the water, start to multiply very quickly. Blooms can form in warm, slow-moving waters that are rich in nutrients from sources such as fertilizer runoff or septic tank overflows. Cyanobacteria blooms need nutrients to survive.
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Harmful Affects of the Harmful BGA - Cyanobacteria
What does cyanobacteria do to humans?
Microcystins: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, diarrhea, sore throat, blistering around the mouth, and pneumonia. Cylindrospermopsin: gastrointestinal symptoms, including vomiting and bloody diarrhea, as well as fever and headache.
What does cyanobacteria do to dogs?
Dogs, livestock, and other animals can suffer severe illness or death within minutes to days of swallowing toxins from cyanobacterial blooms. Providing supportive medical care soon after exposure can save an animal's life.
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Eurasian Water - Milfoil
Eurasian water-milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is present in the Madawaska River and throughout the Saint John River. This submersed aquatic plant creates dense mats that interfere with recreational activity. It out-competes native plants which negatively impacts our fish and wildlife.
Clean Drain Dry
Stop the Spread
Eurasian water milfoil is difficult to eradicate because even small fragments can establish new plants in most aquatic habitats when transported by currents or by clinging to boating and fishing gear. Failure to remove clinging fragments from propellers, trailers or fishing gear before moving to a new body of water accelerates the spread of the plant throughout lakes and rivers.