A Healthy Lake is a FUN LAKE

We are an organization that promotes water stewardship and fish habitat maintenance, and implements projects and activities to improve the water quality and overall health of
Skiff Lake
Skiff Lake Cottage Owners Association Inc. is a member of
New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations.
Membership Benefits include:
Water Testing --Using equipment obtained through funding from the provinces Environmental Trust Fund
Bathymetry Mapping -- Mapping reflecting lake depth and water temperature. This mapping is vital in determining potential areas for Eurasian Water Milfoil and potential Cyanobacteria Blooms.
Insurance coverage for Healthy Lake Volunteers.

Bathymetry Results (Completed August 18/19, 2021)
The results of the 2021 bathymetry survey are summarized in Figure 1, found in the appendix, and presents colour coded contours of Skiff Lake. Figure 2 shows the temperature variation throughout the lake during the survey. The water temperature close to the surface (top 150mm depth) varied from 22.3 to 25.9 C.
There were exact identifiable spring feeds based on the logged temperature data. There could be possible spring feeds located at the north and south tips along the west end of the lake, where the coldest water readings were identified.
More than 65,000 sonar points were collected in the lake. At the surveyed water elevation of 207.05 m, the lake contains a total current water volume of approximately 42.5 million m3 with a surface area of 6.3 km2 and a perimeter of 18.1 km.
The deepest point in lake was measured at elevation 189.76 m or depth of 17.3 m (56.8 feet), coloured dark blue on Figure 1.