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Two invasive species that are a particular threat to Skiff Lake  are eurasian water-milfoil and blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria)



Our lake association's mandate to prevent problems before they occur. Preservation of a lake and its water quality is far more prudent than restoration, and is certainly more cost-effective.  Actually in most cases, restoration is not an option.


Healthy Laker Initiatives Include:


Water Testing.  


Using equipment obtained through funding from the provinces Environmental Trust Fund, water tests are conducted for:










  1. Temperature

  2. Dissolved Oxygen

  3. PH

  4. Conductivity


The first and most important step in a water quality monitoring program is to establish baseline data.  Once this is established, the most critical issue is that the data readings in the lake remain constant.  For this reason it is important to test the water regularly and in a consistent fashion to identify any changes that might occur. Early intervention increases the chance of success in correcting something that is going wrong.


We monitor 6 sites and water testing is conduct approximately 8 times per year.


It remains our duty to keep boat fuel, fertilizers and waste water away from the lake, and most importantly to refrain from doing anything to suddenly and dramatically change the water level.


Your Lake Association welcomes any questions, concerns, or suggestions and is always willing to assist in any way to help ensure that this treasure will be here for our children and grandchildren.  If all Skiff Lake stakeholders work together, we’re confident this can happen.





The Association's Mandate Regarding a Healthy lake

Mission Statement

An association of action, SLCOA Inc mission is to protect Skiff Lake's water quality by promoting Healthy Lake initiatives that protect the Lake’s water now, and for future legacies while also  ensuring safety so all may enjoy.

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Skiff Lake 

New Brunswick



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